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Enhancing Security: Amazon’s Video Call Verification

Tue Nov 14, 2023 Amazon Tips

Online shopping has become the new norm in today’s digital age, providing consumers with the convenience of purchasing products from the comfort of their own homes. As a result, e-commerce giant Amazon has become a go-to for many shoppers. However, with the rise of online shopping, there is also an increased risk of fraud and scams. To combat this, Amazon has recently implemented a new security measure for its sellers – video call verification. This article will explore what this new feature entails and how it enhances security for both sellers and buyers.

What is Amazon’s Video Call Verification?

Amazon video call verification

by Bernard Hermant (

Amazon introduced the security measure called ‘video call verification’ for its sellers. Under this feature, sellers are required to participate in a live video call with an Amazon representative. During the call, the seller will have to answer a series of questions to verify their identity and the authenticity of their products. At present, this feature is only available for sellers in the United States. However, Amazon plans to expand it to other countries in the future.

How Does it Work?

When a seller is chosen for video call verification, they will receive an email from Amazon with instructions on scheduling the call. The call will be conducted through Amazon’s video conferencing platform, Chime. During the call, the seller will need to show their government-issued ID and provide a live demonstration of their products. An Amazon representative will also ask questions to verify the seller’s identity and the legitimacy of their products.

Why is it Important?

Amazon has implemented a video call verification system to enhance security for both buyers and sellers. This process verifies the identity of sellers and the authenticity of their products, which helps prevent fraudulent sellers from operating on the platform. The added security measure provides protection for buyers by reducing the risk of purchasing counterfeit or low-quality products. This system also helps maintain Amazon’s reputation as a trustworthy and safe online marketplace for shopping.

What Questions Will be Asked?

During the video call, the Amazon representative will ask various questions to verify the seller’s identity and the authenticity of their products. This are the amazon seller verification video call questions:

  • What is your business name?
  • What products do you sell?
  • Where do you source your products from?
  • How do you ensure the quality of your products?
  • Can you provide proof of purchase for your products?
  • Can you provide a live demonstration of your products? 


Amazon’s video call verification is a valuable tool in enhancing security for both sellers and buyers on their platform. By verifying the identity of sellers and the authenticity of their products, Amazon can prevent fraudulent activity and maintain the trust of its customers.

As online shopping continues to grow, it’s important for e-commerce companies to prioritize security measures like this to protect their customers and their business. 

Have you experienced Amazon’s video call verification? Share your thoughts in the comments below.