How Are Seller Accounts Linked By Amazon?
As a rule, Amazon only allows sellers to operate one seller account. If a seller has a legitimate reason for needing a second account, they can request permission from Amazon to open another account. Without permission, however, evidence that a seller is operating two separate accounts can result in account suspension, and we have seen an increase in these types of suspensions lately. If you choose to sell on Amazon, you need to know the different ways your account may be linked to another as this can negatively affect your selling privileges and result in having your Amazon seller account suspended. Our Amazon seller attorney explains what Amazon is looking for that causes them to link seller accounts.
Common Account Indicators
The primary way that Amazon links seller accounts is through common account indicators, such as:
- Store Name
- Legal Entity Name
- Bank Information
- Credit Card Information
- Business Addresses
- Return Addresses
- Email Addresses
- Phone Numbers
Amazon tracks and stores all this information for each seller, and when duplicate account information is found for two different seller accounts, it is a red flag that the same seller is operating both.
User Permissions Granted to Third Parties
Many sellers find that they will need assistance with account management at some point. Amazon does have a process through which you can grant a third party permission to access your account, but be aware that if you have ever granted user permission to a third party, it may lead to Amazon suspecting that two different seller accounts are linked. To prevent this from happening, our Amazon seller attorney advises that you make sure you have the appropriate documentation to support the nature of your relationship to that third party, such as a:
- Contract
- Agreement
- Invoice
- Receipt
Shared Devices and IP Addresses
It is best practice to isolate devices so that any device is used solely for one account as Amazon tracks whenever two seller accounts are accessed through the same device. Also, IP addresses should be used exclusively by one business. Especially in urban areas, the same IP address can be used to log in to separate seller accounts without any of the sellers being aware.
Domain Names and Websites
Amazon tracks the ownership and hosting of domain names and websites. If the same domain name or website is used for two separate seller accounts, it may lead to an account suspension for the sellers.
Identical or Very Similar Inventory
Identical or similar inventory can lead to two accounts being linked by Amazon. Obviously, inventory with the same SKU or ASIN cannot be sold by two different vendors.
Speak With An Experienced Amazon Seller Attorney
If you have had your Amazon seller account suspended due to its being linked to another account, or if you have concerns regarding your seller account, you need to speak with a law firm experienced in representing Amazon sellers. At ESQgo, we offer a 30-minute free initial consultation. Contact us to schedule a time to speak with an Amazon seller attorney from our firm.